
To apply for assistance online, please fill out the online form below. A board member will be in touch with you no longer than 3-5 business days after the submission is received.

*Your information is kept strictly confidential and will not be shared with anyone.

If you wish to download a PDF file that can be printed and filled out manually, click the link below.

Applicant Information
Military Service
Assistance Requested
Please provide two professional references and one personal reference.
Professional Reference #1
Professional Reference #2
Personal Reference
Pay It Forward Contract

I certify that if I am to receive any type of assistance from the American Warfighters Inc. (AWF) I will donate an agreed-on amount of volunteer service to the AWF team. My volunteer service can range from helping with fundraising events and/or assisting another veteran in need.

I understand, that if I do not meet the amount of volunteer service agreed upon in this contract, I am required to return the following: all funds donated, value of assistance received, cost of AWF man hours at $15 an hour, per person involved in assistance.
Disclaimer and Signature
This information will aid your eligibility for assistance. AWF will not disclose information collected on this form to any source other than those with the need to know.

Patriot Guard Rider

POC: Hazel - (770) 941-0647,

Funeral Detail Coordinator/Veterans Burial Honors

POC: Ken Parham - (208) 305-8325

Asotin County Veterans Relief Fund

Applications available in Asotin County Library

Brave Hearts Idaho

(208) 867-9277,

Family Assistance Center Idaho Joint Military Programs

POC: Keesha West - (208) 272-7432

Idaho State Veterans Home

(208) 799-33422

Walla Walla Veterans Health Administration

Jonathan M. Wainwright, Memorial VA Medical Center
Care in the community (509) 527-3471
VA Suicide Prevention Hotline (800) 273-8255

Lewis-Clark State College Coordinator of Veterans Services

POC: Mickey Kelton -
(208) 792-2473

Nelly Broadcasting

*Will support and broadcast Veteran events*
POC: Mark Arnot -

Nez Pearce Tribe Veterans Program

POC: Mary Taylor - (208) 621-4738,

Reserve Component Transition Assistant Advisor

POC: Leanna Dudley - (208) 987-3917,

Veterans Service Officers State of Idaho

POC: Joe Riener -
Stacy Whitmore,
(208) 748-7663

Veterans Service Officer Asotin County

POC: Mark Janowki - (509) 243-2088,

Idaho Department of Labor

Veterans Representative POC: Daniel Navarro - (208) 799-5000 ext 4009,