Our Mission

American Warfighters are your family, neighbors, and coworkers. We are just average everyday people, that love this country. Founded by three veterans, and supported by patriotic Americans, we’re rarely politically correct and always speak our minds. Our vision isn’t revolutionary, though we would have loved to kick it with George Washington. It’s pretty simple actually. We see our veteran community in need. So we’re going to do something about it. Believe it or not, shit happens.

American Warfighters mobilizes the powerful forces of community and patriotism to combat and overcome critical emergency situations for our vets.

We bring together a wealth of experience in fundraising and local assistance within the Lewiston-Clarkston Valley. We encountered a Gulf War veteran who direly needed help, and we ran into a wall. Failure is unacceptable. It’s right in the Soldier’s Creed from the Army, “ … I will never accept defeat, I will never quit, I will never leave a fallen comrade …”. This is what sparked the creation of American Warfighters. We aspire to never be in the situation again where we can not help someone in a critical situation.

In order to take care of those who risked everything for the American way of life, we will create fundraisers, seek donations, and work with the community. We want to start locally here in the LC Valley and expand into the Pacific Northwest as our beachhead. We will need all the help we can get. Consider this your call to arms.

Meet the Team

Cassidy White, President & Co-founder
Cassidy White, President & Co-founder
Joseph Kause, Vice-President & Co-founder
Joseph Kause, Vice-President & Co-founder
April Gojkovich, Operations Manager
April Gojkovich, Operations Manager
Cari Miller, Treasurer
Cari Miller, Treasurer
Melanie Israel, Secretary
Melanie Israel, Secretary
Rachel Roberts, Merchandise Director
Rachel Roberts, Merchandise Director
Emma Martin, Volunteer Coordinator
Emma Martin, Volunteer Coordinator
Dewey Ulbright - Entertainment Director
Craig Hannum - Suicide Prevention Officer
Craig Hannum - Suicide Prevention Officer